Friday, July 20, 2012

About my blog...

I guess I should start with explaining the name choice of my blog and why I chose to start blogging in the first place. For the past two years or a little more, I have been in what I call the "rapidly maturing" phase of my life. I was ready to get engaged, get married, get a house, get more sure footed at my job, and most importantly be a mommy. In the past two years I have done all the above except have a baby. My hubby and I got married on may 26th 2012. Since he is also on the same baby page as I am we started trying for a baby in may. It's been about 2 months now and we are still working on the "trying". In all my research which I will def blog about in more detail, I found that during this "trying" time, it is not advisable to stress about it or stress your spouse out either, so I decided a healthier way to channel all my anxiety and excitement and dissappointment and stress etc would be to blog about it. Also for some inexplicable reason or maybe its because I lost my mother at age 4 during her 2nd childbirth and have always wanted to mother another little girl so she never has to go through some of the emotions I went through, or simply because I have two adorable younger half sisters and think girls are more fun than boys, I desperately want a daughter. Since my hubby's English name is Alex, and I think Alex short for Alexandra is a very strong name for a girl (oh my daughter will be a bit of a Tom boy like her mommy- i hope), we decided to name our first daughter Alexandra and her middle name will be Stella after my late mother. #pausingtosuckinair#. So that's how come decided to name this blog as I did and to start blogging in the first place. Hopefully Alex can read this some day. Also given that when you ask for Oranges life sometimes gives you apples, i am prepared to have a son, and i know i would love him and want him just as much as if we got a daughter. In the end it doesnt really matter what we get, i just want lovely, healthy children, 3 or 4! so even though i am hoping for a girl named Alex, ill be just as overjoyed with a boy named david, and yes this blog will always be called "Making Alex" as Alex to me stands for the entire process, the waiting, the praying, the hoping, the trying, the dissapointment, then the joy, the stress and pain, then the miracle of a child in my arms, the childs first steps and first words, my challenges with pregnancy then motherhood, juggling marriage, kids, family and career while still making time for me. etc... all of it begins with Makin Alex...

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