Friday, July 20, 2012

ovulation calendar

I have spent a few weeks of down time rearching as much as i can about the baby making process, its amazing how much information is out there. I even downloaded a couple free pregancy apps on my iphone (more like 8 diferent ones to be exact), the "what to expect when you are expecting" app is by far my fave. these apps are very helpful with giving you baby making and raising tips on a daily basis, educating you on whats going on with your body and your eggs and your baby, calculating your ovulation days and proceeding due date if you do conceive in any given month etc pretty cool stuff - food for the soon to be pregant womans soul, and music to my ears. That said from when i decided a few months ago that i was ready to be a mommy i started keeping track of my monthly cycle, at first i thought it was very irrigular ( i got off the pill in september last year) but after keeping track, i realize there was a little method to the madness that was my period, and on average i have a 32 day cycle, long than most people but not abnormal in anyway. Then using the ovulation calendar on (my fave "everything baby" website that i visit religiously everyday) i figured out my most fertile 4 day window every month. then came the tricky part, educating my hubby on the 24hr life span of my egg after ovulation, the 48 to 72 hr life span of his sperms after ejaculation, and the importance of perfect timing and taking into conderation both life spans. getting out of his head the idea that baby making is simple and easy and doesnt need to be planned if both partners are healthy etc was like pulling teeth, still work in progress, but im allowing me to schedule 4 "must do the do" days around my ovulation is a first step.

anyways we are currently on day 3 of the 4 day session i scheduled with him for this month. I should have ovulated yesterday or today. and i get to take a home pregnancy text after July 30th (in 2 weeks), my next period should be here August 3rd if we have been unsuccessful. I plan to pray hard and daily for the next 2 weeks, there is no way God can ignore that much begging and whinning, if only for the principle.

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